
Montag, 9. Juli 2018

Hello again!

48 hours ago I had my Abiball ("Prom") and with that I ended my school time once and for all. It was weird saying goodbye to my friends that I used to see every single day in school. And it makes me sad to think about the fact that it's probably never going to be the way it was again. I can only hope that I'll be able to meet my friends on a regular basis in the future!

Because we got out of school early as "Abiturienten", I decided to go abroad for awhile. So right now I am sitting in Smyrna, Delaware at my used to be host family's house. And I'm sitting in my favorite room: the cats room! 

But back to the beginning: In Winter I decided to visit my host family and when they told me I could come to stay at their place I was soooo happy and excited for it ! 

But after sitting 13 years in school, I also wanted to do a little practical work too and found the website of workaway and decided to see if I find a horse farm where I could possibly stay and work. 
Workaway is a page that allows you to find hosts who will let you live at their place and basically feed your for working for them. 
Since the whole visa situation is pretty complicated in the USA and they see the exchange of work for food and a place to stay as being paid, I decided to go to Canada instead!
I found a nice looking farm in the state of Alberta! They have horses, cows, pigs, chickens, dogs and cats, so it sounded perfectly fitting for me. So on August 12th I will get back to the airport to travel to Alberta, Canada! I truly hope everything works out the way I plan it to be.

I am so glad that I have such a great family who makes this whole trip even possible and happening for me! Thank you for that ! <3

My arrival here in Delaware was lovely! Kurt, my used to be host father, picked me up from the airport and after a quick saying "hey" to the dogs and the cats, Kurt, Chris and I went to Jenn's house for dinner. Jenn is Chris and Kurt's daughter and she moved to a town very close by to Smyrna, So I will be seeing her and her family a lot in the next month, which is great! Maura, her oldest daughter (9 years old) remembered me from three years ago, which made me so happy! Andrew, who is five years old now, didn't remember me anymore, because he was only two years old when I last stayed here. But he welcomed me anyways very kindly !

It is so good to be back !

Talk to you soon!

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